Surprise Your Kitty By Giving A Scratching Post!

One good way to stop cats from scratching furniture is always to give them an acceptable alternative. Spend money on a scratching post or scratching pad, and place it beside the furniture that cats typically scratch. If your cat scratches furniture, immediately redirect them towards the post or pad and reward them with treats and praise when they make use of it. Additionally, you ought to trim your cat’s nails regularly to help reduce the destruction caused by scratching. Finally, you may try using double-sided sticky tape from the areas that cats typically scratch, as this often helps prevent them from attempting to scratch the furniture.

Unfortunately, there isn't any real option to "stop" the scratching of cats - it's section of their nature and character. Cat experts even advise against trying to intervene because it goes against their natural tendencies. After all, cats were created specifically for scratching! Cats' rear paws were created for a purpose - scratching! As the feline friend grows, so do their claws. They need to eliminate the outer sheath of these claws by scratching to reveal the latest ones beneath. Pretty amazing, right?

An age-old adage, "if you cannot beat them, join them", is very fitting when it comes to cats. To avoid costly damage to furniture, drapes or carpets, you need to encourage your cats to scratch things that are appropriate - in place of your valuable possessions! The truth is, purchasing a scratching post is the greatest option. Not only will it guard your furniture from being ruined, however it will also bring immense delight to your adored cat. Investing in a scratching post will certainly be a win-win both for you and your furry pal!

Ever wondered why cats use scratching posts? Turns out, not merely do these posts pets assist them to eliminate the outer layer of their nails, in addition they provide them with an opportunity to exercise and move their muscles. Having a post around is actually practical and beneficial! Not only does your cat utilize the post for scratching - he also does just a little stretching! As soon as the kitty notices it, he will reach towards it together with his entire body and commence to scratch. And never to say, climbing the post simply for fun!

Outdoor cats love to scratch wooden fences and objects, so a good scratching post should really be manufactured from wood. Firewood or a log can easily be converted into one, or you're still training your cats, an inexpensive cardboard post could do the trick.

A scratching post is an absolute necessity for cats. It must be strong and tall adequate to let them stretch out their body and scrape their claws upon it. Ensure that the post isn't just tall, but also taller than your cat - by doing this they could get the full advantageous asset of this essential item! It is essential to get a solid & stable scratching post for your cats – otherwise, they truly are bound to tear up your furniture! Make certain it meets their standards and surpasses all expectations, or else you could find yourself in an embarrassing situation.

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